Saturday, 16 June 2012

Is Lebanon A Desert?

The sun is too strong,

When will I, ride my bike?

Or roller blade?

The weather is awful,

Nothing I can do,

With this sunny climate.

I need to swim,

But the pool didn’t open yet…

Is it Earth,

Out of oxygen these days?

I need air… I need air…

I need cool air…

The weather is too hot,

I’m starting thinking,

Is Lebanon a desert?


  1. You're right. We're melting and too lazy to do anything. It's good you're singing your problems.

    1. Yeah mom, that's really true, I'm feeling that the temperature is about 50 degrees!

  2. Nadima10:54

    Wallah it is true ya Leen .the weather is so bad just like a desert .f

  3. Yeah situ, and as mom said, we're melting from this awful weather!! :)
